Managing your time

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Managing your time Once you complete reading this book, you will understand two important things. One, you have lots of things to be done during your graduation to be successful. Two, you have your 3-4 years of time period to work towards your foundation for your entire career and life. Your time ...

Hone your Foundation

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Hone your Foundation What is important? Your fundamental knowledge or cutting-edge information. There can be a debate. You can be in any domain of graduation. Computer Science Engineering, Business Management, Commerce, Medicine etc., But you are in a specific domain. Every domain has some amount ...

Defining your learning goal

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Defining your learning goal As a college student, you will get a timeframe of 3 to 4 years to complete your graduation. Most of your graduate course comprises of 2 semesters in a year with 5 to 6 subjects in each semester. Unlike your school, here you are all set to learn multiple subjects with a ...

Forming Good Habits

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Forming Good Habits Habit is a meaningful choice that we purposefully make at some point of our life and then stop thinking about it. But continue doing, every day, so that that choice becomes a habit. The habit is the one powerful thing that controls almost half of your daily actions. Our daily a...