
Hone your Foundation

  • Admin
  • Thu Jul 22, 2021

What is important? Your fundamental knowledge or cutting-edge information. There can be a debate.

You can be in any domain of graduation. Computer Science Engineering, Business Management, Commerce, Medicine etc., But you are in a specific domain. Every domain has some amount of foundational knowledge which will become the most wanted knowledge for you to pursue your entire course successfully. Such foundations will help you throughout your career.

If you are in an engineering course, Foundation in Mathematics and physics will play a critical role in learning most of your subjects. You could be in Commerce stream of graduation. Basic Accounting Principles and Economics will play a critical role in learning all subjects throughout your studies. You must identify your most important foundational subjects that you need to more focus during your first year of study.

A known student of mine completed in mechanical engineering in one of the most reputed engineering schools of India. He had strong interests towards computer aided designing. He was keen to get a career in designing for the some of the world leading automobile manufacturing companies. He was very strong in all leading design software with all global certifications. Once in his interview with an automobile giant, the first question faced was all about the fundamental of the operating a car engine and its mechanics. Unfortunately, he couldn’t answer this and his reason was that he has studied in his third semester classes which he had forgotten later. But, this was not accepted by the company and he didn’t even get an opportunity to move to next level to show case his design talent.

Now a days, We find many students such lose out their campus interview exams due to lack of foundational knowledge. While students are good at cutting edge information, its often found that many students tend to give less importance to foundational knowledge while they study in early days of graduation. The recruitment managers mainly focus on the foundational skills in their entry level assessment towards any job.

Many fundamental concepts that you learn here will go a long way throughout your life. You must talk to your teachers and seniors. Also by analysing the entire curriculum of the graduation, you will get to know what that critical foundational knowledge are. You must hone yourself in that foundational knowledge specific to your domain and field.

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